A Story To Overcome

Just creating story. HAHA.  This isn’t true but, I’ll go on.


A girl named, Bettina. When she was a kid, her dad physically abuses her almost every day without any reason. Then after, her father abandoned her but still have her mom to be with. She’s the only one that guides Bettina as she grow up. Her mom is always with her wherever she go, whatever she do. Bettina likes her to be around.


She was 5 years old and probably capable to go to school. The first day comes but she don’t have any idea of being there. Her mom prepared everything and will now send her to school but when they we’re there, she’s frightened. Thinking that her mom will leave her to go to work and will never come back. Then she cried “Mama! Where you going? Don’t leave me. Please stay here.” It seems like she can’t be alone. She’s smart enough but she could do nothing for herself, even her homework.


Bettina is now in college and still don’t know what course she prefer. She tends to ask her mom to make the decision. She wants her to decide because she know that her mom’s decision is always the best. But then, her mom is not always there. On her side. She can be gone and it happened. She died and Bettina feel hopeless, homeless. She’s left all alone and don’t know how to adapt and live normally. She can’t live without her mom. She felt so empty and nothing.


So on, she has her best friend, Celina and always there to comfort and care for her when she feel alone. She always seeks her help because she finds it very difficult even to choose between small things. Something like, what to eat. Apple or mango? What to wear? This or that? Asking what really fits for her. It’s actually hard for her to decide so she might let Celina choose. When she’d finished her studies, she also gets a job through the help of Celina because she still can’t manage herself alone.  It’s like she really  doesn’t know how to be independent. She also gets into relationship with someone but it end up hurting. When all of her relationship ends, Bettina urgently seeks another relationship as a source of care and support. She wants to fill the void, her  felt of emptiness.  She always prefer to be with anyone rather than being alone because when she’s alone, it makes her feel very anxious. That loneliness is quite hard for her to deal with. It really kills her. When someone also asked her opinion, she speaks with no hesitations because she has the fear of being scolded or corrected. She usually go along with others decisions even if she thinks that they are wrong. Bettina really have the fear of losing the close relationship that she depend on because she definitely NEED them. It seems that she can’t do things on her own. She doesn’t have the courage to make decisions and she wants someone to take a good care of her. It’s being with her best friend. Celina. Depend on her forever. And later on, as it goes by, Celina just noticed that there’s something wrong in her that she must not only depend on her or to other people. Something that she need to change of. Realizing that her behaviors are not normal as other people have and it affects them, even her. As she’s now aware in that irrational thinking of her mind, she decided to go into medications.


In clinic, Dr. Smith, a psychiatrist asked something all about what happened in her life. What’s her past and currently experiencing, how does she feel and so on. After she answered, Dr. Smith records everything and get the results that she was diagnosed with Dependent Personality Disorder. She explains to her that it is a mental health issue where a person can exhibit an excessive need to be taken care of, resulting in needy and submissive behavior. It hits her because it’s probably her, BETTINA. She’s always like to be with someone who can take care and make decisions for her. She always depend on her best friend. It’s really her. As their conversation goes, she ask Dr. Smith if there’s any treatment for this disorder. And said that there so many treatments that can be partake of. Then, she let herself go into a therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy which can help her to change the way she think and feel about herself. It took her months to have that therapy to cope up with.


After that 3 months of treatment, Bettina can now decide for her own self. She has the courage and confidence that she can stand alone. Although sometimes she still ask for Celina’s opinion, in the end, She’s the one who has the final word. And also, she finds a strong, happy relationship with Carter. She has now in her mind that she can do things on her own. It really builds her more as a person and tends to feel happy and comfortable in life with or without people that surrounds her. She’s now a person who learns to deal with stress, in making decisions and even to the influence of the environment she’s living with.


Note..     Sometimes we tend to depend on others.. well, i’ts NORMAL. But when it’s brimful, you must be aware that there’s something wrong. And be in mind that whatever comes in life, everything can be overcome. By faith, by strength and by choice.


*Invent your own story (Abnormal Psychology – Final Exam)

