Describe Not Compare

I made this stuff last month and just don’t know why I just published it this time. Hmm,, What I am? Am I what? …………….



I am a river, that gently flows.

I am a flower, that freshly grows.


I am notes, that can make you sing.

I am steps, that lead you to dancing.


I am a sun, that will surely shine.

I am a race, that run the finish line.


I am hurt, upon crying but still find the way of relieving.

And I am love, that the word nothing can turn to something.




I AM… I AM… I AM….

A quote *Comparing myself to anything means nothing.* – Almg



Being you is really a good thing in life. You don’t hide who are and what’s true inside of you. This poem I made is not about comparing myself but about describing. This simply emphasize that  I can describe myself as other thing but I’m not comparing. Both of us here can do what can a river do. You gently flows in life though you experience hard things. To be a flower that whatever may come, you will grow from every success and failures. You can be notes, which you can make music to express your feelings, deep, deep feelings.  You can be the steps that you can teach and lead people to find them a good way to surpass in every difficulties they might encounter. To be a sun that you can be a salt and light to shine unto someone who needs help in finding the brightest than their darkest character. To be a race that you can cheer them up to continue in life until they reach their own happiness in the end line. And in the last two lines, you can be like hurt—-OHH YES! You can devastate someone entrenched in emotional, physical, even in words but… You can still find a way to say the word sorry and means it truly. Lastly, you can be love that you can spread it unconditionally not only for yourself but for every people who is there to surround you with peace in mind and warm your cold heart. This serves that when you feel nothing, LOVE can still mend everything.


Very blessed to be in love, to be loved, and to love without hesitations but just true. So now, just remember that you can be describe as someone, as something but never ever be compare to anything. You are unique enough and that’s the magnificent role. OHHYEAAAHHH


